Forma de Pago | Precio |
Contado | 1,124.29 pesos |
Tarjeta de Crédito 1 Pago (Paypal) |
1,175.30 pesos |
Technical specifications hpe aruba networking x372 54vdc 1600w 110240vac power supply product number jl670a product dimensions imperial 1.6 x 3.3 x 8.9 in weight warranty 2.2 lb see for warranty and support information included with your product purchase.
Technical specifications hpe aruba networking x372 54vdc 1600w 110240vac power supply product number jl670a product dimensions imperial 1. 6 x 3. 3 x 8. 9 in weight warranty 2. 2 lb see http://www. Hpe. Com/networking/warrantysummary for warranty and support information included with your product purchase.